Friday, March 23, 2012



Once the audition rounds are over we all start getting super pumped for Hollywood Week. I think Hollywood Week is one of the most exciting events in all of television. There's something about the process that I find exhilarating. I really feel it's kind of hard to truly distinguish greatness from mediocrity when the difference between greatness and awfulness isn't being clearly illustrated. Having said that, I think it's just easier (and okay, it's much lazier too) for me to just share my notes. Well, that and to say who I felt wasn't up to par and who really made an impression on me.


Elise Testone is one to watch. She's clearly being saved and held back so to speak.

Jen Hirsch made enough of an impression to see there's something more to come from her.

Travis Orlando got a raw deal in my opinion. I'm not saying he should have been a lock for the Top 24 but he sure as hell should have gotten past the first day of Hollywood Week.

Adam Brock impressed me and I'm sure they'll start to feature him more. I'm not as sure he's being built up for a Top 24 slot but he's definitely having his "story line" developed more.

David Leathers, Jr. really brought it and earned the applause of his fellow contestants. I can't imagine him failing to make the Top 24 unless he has an epic fall.

Jessica Phillips impressed me enough to know there's more to come from here.

Erika Van Pelt really raised her game and I can't wait to see and hear more of her.

Aaron Marcellus will start getting more screen time. He's an American Idol veteran and I think he's at least Top 40 bound.


Lauren Gray concerned me. She wasn't clued in enough to the atmosphere and you have to be very aware of your surroundings in the performance arena. 

Phillip Phillips was too amped up as well. He wasn't relaxed enough, which I would say the same about Lauren.

Reed Grimm runs the risk of simply being too much for everyone. My guess is that he will start singing normal songs soon but to the viewing audience it can be very graining.

Jane Carrey just blew it. She was too nervous. Perhaps she even realized that some people might be wondering if there was a relation to her obviously famously successful father. Her attempt to use humor to downplay the awkwardness made things even worse for herself. I'll be curious if she comes back or not. My guess is that she will not.

Creighton Fraker seems to be somewhat lost on me up to this point. I think he's just too over the top and that less would be more for him. 

Lauren Mink made it quite easy for the judges to send her packing too. It was really too bad because besides the noble line of work she's in, I felt that there was really something there so I hope she comes back next season.

The following is a transcribed account of my brief notes taken regarding the brief auditions given and aired:

Johnny Keyser - Actually felt it was better than his audition; great tone and pitch.

Heejun Han - Exhibited what at least appeared to be an utter lack of confidence. (Apparently being the keyword.) He sang Michael Bolton again and I found it to be comparable to his audition.

Gaby/Gabi - I wrote "Stepped Forward" here but can't even remember which Gaby/Gabi this is. I believe it was not Gabi Carrubba.

Elise Testone - Another brief display of force.

Baylie Brown - Beautiful range but very controlled.

Hallie Day - Not as powerful as audition but very proportional.

Jen Hirsch - Fidgets with hair (and comments about trying to stop it - and then does it again anyway.) There's a Jes Hudak-Jackie Tohn connection. J. Lo commented on melody to Randy but I can't remember about what.

Lauren Gray - Over the top. Completely oblivious to judges and a little too raspy. Felt it wasn't her best effort, quite frankly. She remains one of my personal favorites and certainly one of the favorites to win it all.

Phillip Phillips - Found it to be too loud and growly but he is/was still too dynamic to cut.

Reed Grimm - Think his act is already getting old. Will have to prove he likes and knows more "regular" music. Just too over the top.

Travis Orlando - I felt he got royally screwed. He was definitely good enough to advance; much better than Season 10.

Adam Brock - Totally agreed with J.Lo on his audition. Great version of "Walking In Memphis".

Jane Carrey - Very bland and rushed. She was clearly too nervous. "Freaking out while I was there" was Jane's commentary on herself." She added, "I'm really disappointed." (There was also a big guy with goatee and glasses named Joe who went home too.)

Linda Williams - Predictably sent home. (Wanted another chance.)

Shannon MaGrane - Kind of loud at first but exhibited a lot of feel; perhaps too much but still nice.

David Leathers, Jr. - Sang in the style of a young Michael Jackson. Got a brief "Standing O" from other contestants. Very nice high tone and pitch.

Jessica Phillips - Had a slight hiccup or two and some breathing spaces but beautiful tone and pitch despite some control issues.

Erika Van Pelt - Lived up to audition and then some. Some breathing into microphone at first but it was great.

Creighton Fraker - I found it to be a little too whiny. Steven Tyler liked it.

Aaron Marcellus [Sanders] - Thought he was awesome. Great tone, pitch, and control.

Lauren Mink - Changed keys and her control & pitch were off. Seemed too even keeled.

Jeremy Rosado - Nice runs; beautiful tone and pitch. Loud at first but soft at end.

Symone Black - Blacked out. It was the episode's "cliffhanger" and they mentioned she was from the San Diego auditions.

As always, we got out first taste of who will be featured prominently moving forward and we even got a few early teaser trailers for those who will eventually get more screen time as others who are getting it now start getting eliminated. I think those who struggled but advanced aren't in serious trouble and those who raised their game aren't locks either. This was a rather standard Hollywood Week episode. Showing Symone Black blacking out and falling off the stage was typical reality TV drama but there's no way she's not okay so how suspenseful is it really? We'll find out tomorrow night.

Follow Jamie Cole of Himay Co. on Twitter. To hire him for PR write-ups and other marketing and creative services, send a tweet on Twitter for further contact info.

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