Well, tonight's Top 4 was billed as being a continuation of all the hangover drama from the past two weeks with Nicole Scherzinger front and center in her role as the lead antagonist. She did seem to have psychologically recovered somewhat from that and perhaps going on Jimmy Kimmel Live (search for the three video segments on there for some great TV viewing) with the other three judges was just the right therapy she needed in adjusting to her role as the lead villain.
Still, this competition's focus remains on the talent itself and not much has changed from the past weeks despite two consecutive shocking eliminations. We finally had Chris Rene talk a little bit more at length about his father and his passing and we also saw him switch from guitar to piano. He performed decently, albeit not overwhelmingly but his increased profile of musical versatility is a sure sign of his competitive firepower and the ruggedly potent every man Josh Krajcik might be looking over his shoulder much more so these days as the vocally superior Melanie Amaro remains at the top of the class although it remains to be seen if she's still shown enough personality to topple her competition. Only Marcus seems truly vulnerable again and without the possible save now, he could finally be seeing his time on the show end.
1) Marcus Canty - "I'll Make Love To You" (Boys II Men)
After performing somewhat better last week, I'm not quite sure if Marcus really did anything to get himself into the conversation. It was perfectly acceptable vocal wise but Simon Cowell nailed it; it just didn't stray far enough from the original and it was very cliche R&B.
Nicole - Marcus. You are bringing sexy back. Even though I know you're getting all these girls excited out here - you still do it in a really classy way and you just look like a gentleman. Good job tonight, babe. (Marcus: Thank you. Thank you so much Nicole.)
Paula - Marcus. I can only always count on you giving 150%. You are the entertainer of this group and you didn't let anybody down. I'm so proud of you. (Marcus: Thank you. Thank you so much Nic - Paula, thank you.)
Simon - Uh, Marcus. You didn't choose the song. Um - my - you sang it well. My only issue is - I haven't said anything yet - I haven't said anything - boo me after. Um, your mentor is responsible for this staging with the rose, the zombie dancers - it didn't fit. You know it was like you were trying to do all these things at once. For me it was very distracting, very corny, um, and for me the problem is you didn't change the song enough, L.A. (Marcus: Okay, I'll take that Simon. I appreciate that, I appreciate that, I appreciate that.)
L.A. - Alright Marcus. It takes great taste to know great taste. You did a great job. I could not be more proud of you. You're a three time save me song champion and you're still here and you're still giving it your all, and I stand by you. Keep doing your thing. (Marcus: Thank you, thank you.)
2) Chris Rene - "Fly" (Sugar Ray)
Felt that Chris' vocals were very stagnant and subdued, made even more odd by the fact that this is where he needs to be peaking, and after possibly the strongest overall week of all the singers last week I'm not really sure if he continued that momentum. However, it still feels like Marcus' time to finally go and Chris should advance to the finals next week.
Nicole - Chris You know what I love about you and what I think America loves about you so much? Is you just make us feel good - whether we're offstage or onstage. Chris Rene! Chris Rene! [??] get the viewer's vote. You're obviously the viewer's pick right now. Congratulations, honey. You look like a million bucks. (Chris: Thank you, darling.)
Paula - You know what? You don't look like a million bucks - you look like $5 million bucks after taxes. (Chris: Oh! Oh!) You know it Chris, plain and simple. You have the gift to communicate to the world, your heart resonates with the world, that's your gift, keep on spreading it. (Chris: Thank you so much.) You're welcome.
Simon - Chris, I-I love[d] the choice of song - I've got to say the Pepsi audience has done a great job on this. Was it the best vocal I've heard from you so far? No. It was a good performance, it wasn't a mega vocal. Chris, here's my advice - there's $5 million at stake here. You've got one more song. You've got to come out next time with a lot more conviction, a lot more focus, you've got one more chance to nail this. That was a 7 out of 10. (Chris: Okay, thank you - I'll do that.) (Paula: Excellent job.)
L.A. - Listen, Chris. You have the sparkle of a star right now. You look like a major star. I've watched you grow and grow and grow. Just keeping doing it what you're doing. It works. $5M. See you on the next song (Chris: Holla!). My man.
3) Melanie Amaro - "Hero" (Mariah Carey)
How fitting it was that Melanie sings a song called "Hero" sung by her actual her Mariah Carey. Easily the most overpowering vocal so far. While it didn't really mix it up all that much, as L.A. correctly pointed out, it was indeed every bit as "bloody fantastic" as Simon said. She's "in it to win it" as Randy Jackson would say. There's pretty much zero chance of her going home tonight.
L.A. - Hey Melanie. Melanie, that was really, really good. Um, and again, I can't criticize the song choice. And you know I think it's predictable but I can't criticize it because America chose the song, right? But what did concern me was when you started, I didn't feel your usual passion. I didn't feel your usual love for the song. But you - but you did take it there. (Melanie mumbles, "Thank you.")
Nicole - Hi Melanie. I loved that America chose this song for you. I love, love, love the message of the song and I think that it's perfect and fitting that you're singing this song because we all knew that you had your amazing talent from the beginning but what's so special about you now is that you've grown into the woman that you are . You - you have your own power, your own strength up there, you're inspiring to all of us and you're liberating to all of us. (Melanie mumbles, "Thank you.")
Paula - Melanie, I just want to say your voice is impeachable and it inspires me all the time. (Melanie: "Thank you.") And I wanted to surprise you - I've invited a friend of mine - Walter Afanasieff who wrote the song "Hero" and he's in the audience - I don't know where he is - but that's - Walter he wrote it. And I want to say something - I will say this - your voice - as I said is impeccable but I do I-I've got to be honest and say that the arrangement - you changed the major chords to minor which takes that uplifting message to a more sad and somber one. Having said that, you made it work though but it wasn't - it didn't allow for that happiness.
Simon - Uh Paula, L.A. - what that wasn't - it wasn't karaoke. It was actually- it was, unlike the first song we heard tonight, that is what you'd call putting your stamp on a song, being original, you'll be remembered for that version. I've said it before, I'm going to say it again, that was bloody fantastic.
4) Josh Krajcik - "Come Together" (The Beatles)
Covering The Beatles' "Come Together", Josh casually strutted across the stage. His vocals have been very decent lately but I fear he's lost some of the staggering momentum he had built up. Right now he's just sounding very solid as opposed to overwhelming. Still, it was a perfectly decent performance and I look for him to be in it next week.
L.A. - Hey Josh. So, um, I rather enjoyed that. I actually enjoyed it. Um, it's the best I've seen you in a few weeks honestly, because as far as I'm concerned, you're one of the best in the competition and I've always pictured [you] as a guy who could win. The last couple weeks I felt it went down a little bit but this time you made it return. So congratulations to you. (Josh: Thanks, L.A.)
Paula - Josh, when you sing you have the ability not just to affect souls but you attack our souls; you get into us. It's unbelievable with every nuisance of your vocals is brilliant and I've gotta tell you something; the industry isn't just about selling records - it's about do you want to pay tickets to see people perform onstage and I will pay anything to see you play on stage. You are brilliant. Brilliant.
Simon - Josh, I've got to hand it to you. I totally agree with L.A. You've come back and you've come back strong this week and this is what we like about you. This is an honest performance. You know the good news is that you don't have Cruella deVille [Nicole Scherzinger] anymore putting weird dances around you anymore. It's just you, a song, and I think it would be a massive shame if you don't make the final next week.
Nicole - Cruella is actually the one who took the dancers off; just so you know. Anyway, you (Simon: You put them on in the first place) - what I love about - what? (Simon: You put them on in the first place.) (Paula: Oh God.) (Simon: You put them on in the first place.) No I didn't. (Simon: Yes you did.) You know what? It's about Josh right now - (Paula: It's about Josh right now. It's about Josh.) - and you know what Josh? What I love about you and what I appreciate about you is you're never rehearsed no matter how many times I work with you, you come onstage [and] something else comes over you and you're just like - you're just living and breathing like that fire and I was just in awe. And you know what, Simon? (Laughing) Don't give me that look. You know how you said he gets that look in his eye? (Simon: Yup.) You know, last week? (Simon: Yeah.) Do you know what I realized that look was? That was the look of steel, honey. (Simon: What the hell are you talking about?)
5) Marcus Canty (2nd Performance) - "Careless Whisper" (George Michael)
While I felt his vocals were okay, I thought his arrangement of "Careless Whisper" was a very shred move on L.A.'s part. He had to mix it up somewhat and go for the jugular at this point and he had nothing left to lose. While the song itself might have been not have been the right choice, I felt that "horrific" and a "joke" were neither kind or particularly accurate descriptions. Marcus had no choice but to mix it up and even if it wasn't the greatest performance or song choice, I certainly felt that he did enough to make it passable. I still think he's going home tomorrow night but Simon was very much out of bounds and I'm not one to normally level that against him at this point of the competition on these shows.
Nicole - Marcus! Marcus. Mar-cus! Mar-cus! Mar-cus! I will say that is an unexpected song but i love that you did your thing on it. It kept growing and growing and um, I loved the production - I loved the dancers and everything. Beautiful job, Brian and your team. (Paula: This was - this was well done.) You - you - every - I don't know - to me you're already a champion and a winner, honey. (Marcus: Thank you. Thank you, Nicole.)
Paula - Marcus, I loved- and by the way - good, good choice. I love how you took a classic song -a ballad and made it up tempo. It was contemporary; it worked. The whole thing worked. Proud of you. You did a really great job. (Marcus: Thank you Paula.) You're welcome.
Simon - Um, Marcus, you know I've really got to know you, I like you, I respect the fact that you come bouncing back week after week; you haven't sulked. But I'm going to be honest with you. That was horrific. The song was absolutely wrong, the grotesque performance which was like being in a Vegas show in 1983 with the confetti - (Marcus: Damn! Damn!) - Marcus honestly, not your fault but this was a joke; (Paula: No it wasn't. You know what? That's really rude. That's rude.) an absolute joke and you deserve better than that. And seriously, L.A. (Paula: I thought it worked.) that was as bad as I've ever seen. (Paula: No it wasn't.) (L.A.: Wow.) (Marcus: Damn...) (Paula: No it wasn't.)
L.A. - I-I-I I don't - I really don't know what to make of that comment - I'm not sure where that comes from because what I just witnessed whose come out here week on week (he meant to say week after week) (Paula: Yup.) and given an absolute fabulous performance (Paula: Yup.), including this week, and I think that even though you've been in the bottom three times, you've come back swinging each time. In some ways I can think of you as an underdog but tonight you looked more like a champion. (Paula: Yes you did.) (Marcus: Thank you, man.)
6) Chris Rene (2nd Performance) - "No One" (Alicia Keys)
L.A. Reid knows what he's doing with Chris. While Simon's timing with Drew Ryniewicz was ill-fated, L.A. has recognized how invaluable Chris' talents are as a musician. The intro piece showcased Chris' father's passing, only mentioned more briefly before, and sporting a tie and a sweater, and tickling the ivies, Rene has now put himself into a position to win the whole thing. Vocally, it was very okay but it was still very competent.
Nicole - Chris, I'm going to have to keep it real with ya. I'm gonna keep it real alright? You - I'm going to have to agree with Simon. You don't have the best voice in this competition and you took on Alicia Keys. But that's not what this competition is about. And I sit there and I watch you and I say, "What is it about Chris Rene that makes everybody want to chant 'Chris Rene'?" and it's your spirit. Your spirit transcends across the universe because you believe "I believe". It's because you believe I believe and we believe in you and I love it when you're up there, you['re] just transparent, your vulnerable, your transparent, you['re] just being you, you ain't trying to be anybody else. Thank you. (Chris: Thank you.)
Paula - Chris? Plain and simple - I love you. I love everything about you. I embrace you. You know what? Your confidence and your transformation is awe-inspiring. This is worth a performance to get you into the finals, my dear. I truly believe.
Simon - Uh Chris, you know, I said on the earlier song you've got to come out and deliver and you just delivered big time. Let me tell you something, Chris. You know that film I just saw - you know - your dad would be incredibly proud; not just of that performance but how you've turned things around and you've got heart, Chris. You really have. And you deserve everything that's going to come this way and you maybe the dark horse in this competition. Good for you. (Chris: Thank you, Simon.)
L.A. - I'm so proud of you. You know Chris - stardom was never about singing. Stardom is about lovability. And you know what? You have lovability. Am I right? All you need are the votes. (Chris: Thank you.)
7) Melanie Amaro (2nd Performance) - "Feeling Good" (Various Artists)
Melanie tackled "an old school classic" as Simon not so subtly put it and I think this will be a huge payoff. Melanie's tone and emotions were not terribly high impact worthy but they were still delightfully controlled. I think it will be just the right tone for Melanie going into next week and the last notes she sang were fantastic.
L.A. - Melanie Amaro. I know why you're the only female left because you're the greatest female that's ever graced this stage. (Melanie: Thank you.) You have everything - everything and I love the song choice - really great song choice - it was not predictable and you killed it, girl. (Melanie: Thank you. Thank you.) Great job, Simon. Great job.
Nicole - Girl, it's a new dawn, it's a new day and it's a new life for you. You should be feeling so good right now. (Melanie: I'm feeling good.) That right there was the Melanie Amaro anthem - your freedom anthem. (Melanie: Thank you.)
Paula - Bravo, bravo, bravo - well done, Melanie. You know what? You're letting go and we love it. I love it. I feel you. It feels good. Raw!
Simon - Mel, this is why we brought the show to America, right? Because I always dreamt that we would find somebody like you; a bit of an underdog. You-you were thrown out of the competition - my mistake - (Melanie: L.A.!) - Mel, your greatest performance of the show so far. (Melanie: Thank you, thank you.) (Melanie: Do you remember that - when you said that?) (L.A.: Oh-Oh Oh I remember it. And I stand by it because you are the truth, young lady.) (Simon: Mel-Mel, I want to just say something and I want to just say please to America. You saw what happened last week. You've got to please, pick up the phone and put this girl in the final purely based on talent. We've got to see you next week, Mel.
8) Josh Krajcik (2nd Performance) - "Hallelujah" (Leonard Cohen & Various Artists)
What a risky choice of song for Josh but his vocals are so conducive to pulling it off with the right amount of emotion and control. Manning the piano but slowing it down even a little bit more so than the Rufus Wainwright and Leonard Cohen versions (Cohen of course wrote it), this song will probably cement a very large female following that has surely been following him up to this point.
L.A. - Hey Josh. I think we've established that I'm a huge fan of yours. Um, I have to be honest and tell you that that lacked excitement for me, right? It's a great song but it lacked excitement and my advice for you going into the finals is stop looking back on where you've come from and just look ahead to where you can go because you know you have the goods but you've got to believe in yourself.
Paula - L.A., how can you even say that? This guy's a performer that opens up his heart and gives every ounce of himself to the public and makes every song sound original. I-I've never seen a contestant quite like you Josh and you know what? What you did tonight on this stage, if it were the finals, you're the one to beat. Please keep voting; you have to keep voting, everyone. No one's safe. You did a beautiful, brilliant performance. (Josh: Thanks.)
Simon - Uh, look Josh, I've got to be honest with you, right? This is all about the final next week, there's a lot of money at stake, I've got to be fair here and I'm going to have to agree with Paula. I think you did what we knew you should do. You came out with a great song, you sang it with great emotion, it was sincere, and I think that song has put you into the final next week. Congratulations.
Nicole - Thank you so much Paula and Simon for recognizing the simple truth - which is what you are tonight. That was like a beautiful prayer and you're just a gift to all of us. That was breathtaking. Thank you. (Josh: Thank you.)
For what must literally be about the fourth week running, I'm predicting that Marcus will finally see his luck run out. I will be curious to see who will be in the bottom with him, whether it will still be a random match-up, and what the viewers will read into it and therefore how it will possibly affect the actual voting if fans of the remaining contestant besides him react to that visual. It actually could help that singer's chances in actuality. Still, despite Marcus once again being the obvious pick to go home on the surface, it's no guarantee. The fan bases are all extra revved up now at this point of the competition and nobody is truly safe. Tune in tomorrow night to see if I'm right and to hear Nicole Scherzinger perform live.
HIGH NOTES: While I am not at liberty to say so right now, I am in serious negotiations to do some writing and marketing work for a notable X Factor singer from this season. I'll have a better idea if this is still viable within the day or two. (Hint: This person made it to the live shows round.) I also continue to work on a project involving another X Factor contestant who also made it to the live show. In other news, I am developing several creative projects of my own and I will be blogging about them in the days to come.
In non-artist and music news, I am hoping to write a blog on my feelings about the recent explosion of concussions in sports, especially the NHL and in regards to fighting, in light of the brilliant three part piece done in The New York Times by John Branch. I have linked the first, second, and third parts of the three part series of the sad and tragic story of NHL heavyweight enforcer Derek Boogaard as well as this companion video from the esteemed newspaper's website. I have always enjoyed sports, especially baseball, football, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, and hockey and I have been looking for the right opportunity to start blogging about them and unfortunately the recent tragic deaths of NHL enforcers will be one of the first I do on this blog.
LOW NOTES: Speaking of sports, in the aftermath of Milwaukee Brewers star and otherwise model citizen Ryan Braun's positive drug test result, Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports cynically but accurately captures the truth about performance enhancers in sports, particularly in baseball, and how they will never truly go away. I've always had more "controversial" views on steroids and other performance enhancements for reasons I'll blog about at some point as well.
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