Saturday, November 26, 2011

X Factor Spotlight: Top 9 Perform

1) Rachel Crow - Singing in the spot of death, Rachel came out with a stunningly electric performance. She is gaining confidence and maturity with each performance and she really took each to a whole new level tonight. Really felt it was one or two of her best performances to date.

L.A. - Wow. did it again. I wanted to be critical. I came out wanting to be a mean guy but then you did that [her performance] and you shot me down. I really loved it. I really loved it. Congratulations to you.

Nicole - Oh Rachel. You made a believer out of me and I'm sure you made a believer out of everyone in America and um, you're such an inspiration. You're such an inspiration to so many people who come from maybe a similar story to you and you're just such a bright light and thank you, thank you for that.

Paula - Sweetheart, if anybody ever questions if there are angels that exist on Earth living, it is you. Bless you. (Rachel: Thank you!) No, thank you Rachel. You opened up the show tonight in such a grand way. Your vocals were spot on, you hit all the high notes. You are magnificent. And you look adorable. It's quaky, it's cool - I love it. Good job, Simon. (Rachel: I know Simon loves my dress too.) (Simon: I love it.) (Simon laughs.)

Simon - You know what? I said in my V.T., you know, that this is not a night to be sad. It's a night to be thankful, uh, and, you know - I said this when I first met you, Rachel - you know - we were (inaudible) whether we should drop the age down to 12 being the lowest and you are part of the reason why we were so right to do this because that was great vocal, great performance, enjoy the night. (Rachel: Thank you, Simon. I love you.)

2) Marcus Canty - The not so subtly described mama's boy came out singing a song about his mother while the show ad cutaways to his mother upfront watching her son's performance. After delivering a very emotional performance, he hugged his mother during the judges' ovation and screaming fans. It didn't feel like his best performance but it was probably enough for him to hang around for another week.

Nicole - know you're making all the other sons out there look bad tonight, okay? (Laughs) That was so beautiful and so precious and Mama Canty - Mama Marcus, I know you must be so proud and keep living the dream. Enjoy this. Thank you for that performance because it was so honest and you didn't overdo anything; you just sang from the heart.

Paula - Marcus, every single performance you give is top notch but tonight especially the passion and connection - God bless your mom for being here tonight and you did it again, Marcus.

Simon - Um..Marcus...I'm going to be honest with you...(starts to get booed) doesn't mean it's going to be bad when I'm going to be honest. You know, you've had a kind of a what I call a yo-yo ride so far; up and down (Paula: where was it down?). We went from last week from where you were lying on the floor, looking up (Paula: Oh stop it) 12,000 skirts (Paula: You're lying), to tonight where for the first time, I actually felt a connection with you and the song. And I know this was for your mom but what your mom wants, and what you want, is for this competition to change your life and I think that you put yourself back in this competition. I do. There were a few little...

L.A. - You know what? I know some great singers. I've worked with some great singers. You are as great as any great singer I've ever worked with, including the guy that wrote this song, Babyface, and the group that sang it - Boys II Men. You're top notch my man. You really are great. You really are.

3) Melanie Amaro - Dedicating her performance to God, Melanie sported a very eloquent blue dress but sported even more noteworthy vocals. Her vocals have shone since Day One but she is another singer whose confidence and stage presence have grown. She's also undergone the most remarkable makeover. It's interesting that she's going for the Mariah-Whitney crossbreed because she now physically looks like a mash-up of the two superstar divas. The church choir backing her fit her perfectly. She's looking very formidable. However, it was certainly the most bizarre moment of the night because Melanie dropped her mainland accent and started, in the first time, speaking in her Virgin Islands accent in a spontaneous speech in which she very enthusiastically sermonized her feelings on it before letting the judges even speak.

L.A -Girl, What am I supposed to say? I'm supposed to criticize that? That was pretty good. You look great tonight by the way. I can't criticize you. You know what I'm going to say? The one thing I'm going to say to you is that person talking right now? I'm so glad that person came here tonight. Because I feel you. Great job.

Nicole - Melanie, you are so courageous and can I just give you a hug? Can I give you a hug?

Paula - Melanie, Melanie...sweetheart. I have waited - week after week - for the vulnerability of who you are to come out and it came out. The best advice I could ever give you is what we just saw is what makes people fall in love with you; always show that vulnerability. You did beautiful tonight. (Applause) (Steve: Thank you, Paula. Simon?) Can I just say one thing really quick? You are such an amazing singer. No disrespect to the amazing choir but you don't need that. You don't need that because she's got the sweet stuff. (Melanie: Thank you. Thank you.)

Simon - Actually Paula, I think it was appropriate that we did that tonight. You saw that she sings in church. It was right to have a choir on - silly criticism (Paula: Always stand apart, Melanie - stand apart)...oh shut up...I'm really, really proud of you Melanie of what you did tonight; particularly of what you just said but please - can I say to the people at home voting? - two people are going to go home tomorrow - please don't let Melanie be one of them because we need this girl in the competition. You were outstanding tonight; outstanding.

4) Chris Rene - Rapping The Beatles' "Let It Be", Chris gave thanks to his counselor Tim Fry for his recovery and path to sobriety. Chris has been an incredibly inspirational story but he has yet to really recreate the magic of his audition - although he did mash up "Let It Be" with his original song from that audition. It was a perfectly passable performance but my prediction is that he is probably going home Wednesday Night. Still, it was better than his past two or three weeks. With some backing from Simon however it could help him but I still wonder if he will get enough support to stay.

Nicole - Hey! Look at how powerful the music is that you write? Look how powerful it is. I believe...I me you're such an example and such a blessing in this competition. I'm so grateful to have you.

Paula - We're all grateful to have you and I just want to say, you know, it's so nice to hear you get back to where we fell in love with in the first place. It's so heartwarming. And I want to tell you thank you so much for your dedication. Thank Tim. Thank all the sponsors and all the counselors that are saving lives and are changing futures forever. God bless you and God bless them. I love you. You did an amazing job tonight.

Simon - Um, Chris. I'm going to be honest - I didn't think the first song worked. And then, and then, thank God, you went back into the second song, and you reminded everyone why we liked you so much in the first place. And Chris - I've got to say this to you - not many people would have the guts to just admit what happened to you because what I think you've just done there is that you may have just helped thousands of people who are in the same place to show, that with courage and with guts, that you can turn your life around and I really hope that America supports you tonight and keeps you in the competition. I really do.

L.A. - Chris, you have a word on your arm; you have a tattoo. It says believe. Well guess what? I believe in you.

5) Lakoda Rayne - Singing in vine-constructed swings to start the song, the girls soon kicked into a more up tempo performance. It earned Simon's  but they are starting to look more and more viable on both the show and after it. It's still tough to tell if they're in danger or not but they are raising their game at the right time and in the interest of full disclosure I must admit that I've been fortunate to chat with them several times and they are young, vibrant, and extremely marketable. They proved it again tonight. And keep in mind too that they are musicians as well and that we just haven't seen it yet. These girls haven't even scratched the surface of their potential yet but I fear that the voting public doesn't quite agree and they will wrongly punish them for being manufactured even though pretty much every single act like this in the industry tends to be just that.

L.A -Alright Lakoda...You know, uh, so last week was the week that I thought you had returned to the competition. This week you actually managed to drum up some excitement. That was pretty good. And I was completely prepared to not like it but again, you disarmed me and congratulations.

Nicole - Yeaah. Girls, you look - you sounded amazing - I love the song choice - I felt like I was watching you in concert.

Simon - (Paula - Oh God, alright.) (To Paula) Hold your horses honey. Um, this is, by far, your best performance to date. I'm not going to say the vocals were perfect because there was a lot of running around but in terms of the kind of group you should be, the kind of record you should be making, I think that the more you stay, the more America is going to get to know you and I can say from firsthand you are four really sweet girls - I genuinely wish two people weren't going home tomorrow. I do.

Paula - You've proven to me the sky is the limit - that the sky is the limit - you're grateful - you are amazing. I am so proud. I am so proud.

6) LeRoy Bell - Dedicating his performance to his mother who passed away two years ago, it would probably seem on paper that the recently turned 60 year-old wouldn't have quite the same emotional impact with his story given his age but I must confess that I found his story striking a chord with me when LeRoy talked about how his mother told him that giving up was not an option. He's been criticized for not running around the stage like one he's still only a third of or even half of his present age but he more than brought that very allusive connection with the music and audience tonight.

L.A. - Alright, LeRoy. Listen, that was really good. I love[d] the message, um...I have to be honest and tell you that to me it wasn't your very best - it was good - it wasn't your very best - um, it was heartfelt for sure but not your very best.

Paula - I could not disagree with you more, L.A. I finally feel that there was so much passion and connection that it was simply the most beautiful performance that you have ever given and it is because you are so connected to it and God bless you for that. God bless you.

Simon - Um, you know, I-I have a lot of respect for L.A., and it's why I wanted him on the show, because you know, like me he works with record labels, so normally I agree with him - not tonight. This is the first time LeRoy, I actually feel that you meant every word, I got know you more. I thought it was a fantastic tribute to your mum, I thought it was a great version, and I think you've really made your mark this week. Congratulations.

Nicole - This is your moment. I told you I wanted it to be your moment with this song and I asked you to just let go and to not hold back and that's exactly what you did and I just want you to enjoy this moment. I know that your mom is shining down on you right now.

7) Astro - His intro was not the most sincere entrance. "I'm 15. What do you expect? I'm from Brooklyn." Yes. Those words. That wasn't smooth. He thought he was being funny. Instead he was being way too cute. And there's nothing cute about that. However, he did smartly, while perhaps all too predictably, incorporate last week's public relations debacle into his own lyrics. I do fear that while his mother and stepfather in his montage segment focused on the fact that it's okay to make mistakes, that perhaps it possibly hurt Astro because they wanted to hear more than that. And given the Thanksgiving theme of this week, there was no heartwarming moment when he really needed that instead of a defensive wagon circling moment from him and his parents. Still, he was wise to apologize at the end of his performance. Will it be enough? I have my doubts but I've already been surprised up to this point.

Nicole - I'm very proud of you, Astro. You said that you had taken over in your rap. I want you moving forward because I believe in you and you are a champion to never expect and always to remain grateful because this week for you it's about giving thanks. Always remain grateful because that's what's going to take you all the way.

Paula - Astro, can I be an Astronaut?  (Astro: Sure, sure, sure.) Thank you. (Astro: Thank you, thank you.) I gotta tell you - you are well on your way to becoming prolific - and I mean that from your heart. (Astro: Thank you.) Last week I saw a young man was seemingly in trouble and yet I never felt like you were ever irrelevant because I do know how important and devoted you are to your music. I just want to tell you right now that anyone who's hating on you right now - well, they must just be perfect. But I don't know about you but I've never met anyone that's perfect, including, including the guy (pointing to Simon)...

Simon - Yeah, uh, I'm going to back you to be an Astronaut and I'll be the first to send you to outer space, okay? (Paula: Thank you. As long as I can see Astro up there.) You know Astro, I admire you, you know, I do, because [you] threw your tantrums, I think you find it hard to express yourself. You and I had a conversation with L.A. the day after. We knew you did wrong but you know what? The music business needs unpredictability. I don't want everyone...I don't like everybody just to tow the line. I like people who are passionate. I don't think, L.A. that the week it wasn't the perfect song, um, but in terms of showcasing your talent I can't fault that.

L.A. - Well, I think you did the necessary thing; you humbled yourself. You've apologized, ah, and then you came out and you performed and you did a great job. That's all I can really ask; is for you to be a gentleman and it's going to be tough going forward, right? We don't know what obstacles are there but as long as you keep a good head on your shoulder and always give your very best, you'll be fine.

8) Drew Ryniewiecz - In another "typically Drew" performance, Drew dedicated her Demi Lovato cover of "Skyscraper" to her bestie Shelby, who was with her through "loser status" to what is certainly the brink of global superstardom for Drew. The scenery for Drew's performance was also interesting with three backing singers dressed as radiating angels on top of mountains behind her. It's hard to tell where this performance of her ranks but it's even harder to imagine she's in any kind of danger. I did enjoy Drew going off on L.A. with some surprisingly sharper rhetoric. Given the theme though, why was that so wrong? And Demi Lovato is now a 40 something? Huh? Really? L.A. and Simon arguing back and forth was well worth it. It would have taken me that much longer to transcribe that beef. Still, I'm tempted. (Update: I did. And it was definitely worth it.)

L.A. - Hi Drew. So my comments this week - I'm going to have to direct them, uh, to your mentor because I-I, again, I'm sorry, you-you know you're great, I take issue with the fact that you are, how old?  How old are you? 15? (Drew: 15.) You're doing songs for people who are 40. Why you doing songs that are so old? You're so young. I don't understand the selection of your material. don't do age appropriate music and I don't understand it. (Drew: I actually, L.A., um, this song actually means a lot to me - L.A.: Oh, I'm sure it does - no matter how old I am. No, because it goes out to every girl whose felt the way I felt and everybody needs a best friend and everybody needs somebody like Shelby and I don't think that every girl or every guy knows that and I feel like this song means that much to me that it it's going out to everyone whose felt worthless or felt not good enough.) I respect that. And I completely respect that and I'm not, I'm not debating you. I'm talk - this is again directed to your mentor who I'm sure either assisted or chose this song and I just didn't think it was a great choice.

Nicole - You're a beautiful, beautiful girl and um, I'm so happy that you dedicated this song to such a special friend and I hope that more people out there have little Shelbys in their lives; little angels and um, I'm happy. I felt like you rocked it out more this week. I'm not frustrated this week; I connected. (Drew: Thank you.)

Paula - Drew...everybody needs a friend...everyone needs a friend and you're a lovely friend to dedicate that song and it is a young artist who actually sings it and that's Demi Lovato. Um, and I will say this...I loved when the tempo picked up because I felt that you really got into it and that's what I loved about the song that you rocked. (Drew: Thank you...thank you.)

Simon - Uh, Drew, um, I'm-I'm-I'm very proud of you and L.A., I am sick to death of your pointless stupid criticism (L.A.: Oh, c'mon...listen.) at this girl. It is - (L.A.: It's not my fault that you have a limited vocabulary of music) - oh shut up, L.A. - this is unfounded, this is inaccurate, this is a young girl's song, you are talking complete and utter rubbish, (L.A.: I think - I think - I think it's in poor taste) and I'm getting really tired - you're not giving this girl the right criticism because I know that she deserves a shot on this show. You're trying to make to the people and others she's worthless (L.A.: Nooo...) - she's not and she's doing the right thing. (L.A.: I think that the real point is that - ) (Steve: Guys!) (L.A.: you can give it but you can't take it) (Paula: Yes!) Yes, I can take it, L.A. (Steve: Come on guys, we've got to move on) when it means something. This is a young girl's song. (Paula: Alright, both of you -) That was just being negative (Steve: We've got to move on, Simon) (Paula: Boys...enough!) (Steve: This has to stop right now) for the sake of negativity. (Steve: Please.) (Paula: Enough.) (Steve: Thanksgiving. You alright?) (Drew: Yeah.)

9) Josh Krajcik - Playing for his 13 year-old daughter Rowan, Josh manned the piano, marking just the second time he or perhaps any of the other artists during the live show, played an instrument. And that's significant because despite a lot of them being able to, they've chosen not to. Josh opted for the piano to sing "Wild Horses" which was an excellent song choice and for the first time since they acknowledged her existence, they profiled and highlighted Rowan in the audience. I loved his rocking cover of The Foo Fighters' "The Pretender" last week but this performance more than any other of his really drove it home for me. I was blown away by him and his emotional restraint was very apparent as L.A. Reid began the judges' feedback. He's arguably been the best contestant the past two weeks and this performance simply illustrates that argument that much more.

L.A. - Wow. You know what Josh? You have the right amount of everything. You have the right amount of passion, you have the right authenticity, you're clearly lovable, you chose the right song, you have everything it takes to win this competition.

Paula - It's-It's such a pleasure and honor knowing you and I gotta tell you something - all I ever ask and want is for con- contestants is to be bigger than the songs that you sing and you are larger than life. This is going to be so hard! Oh my God, you were brilliant.

Simon - Uh...Josh. You know what? That's what it's all about. It's just about - it's just about a great, great song, a great voice, and you meant every word you sing-sang and I have to say this, Nicole - I've given you a bit of a hard time (Nicole: Yes.) over the last few weeks - you've done an outstanding job (Paula: Yes.). Congratulations.

Nicole - (Paula hugs her as she tears up.) (Paula: Oh, she's just being so proud.) Thank you, Simon. I'm very grateful for you. I-um...I don't...I (almost says "fucking" and laughs about it)...(starts to tear up again and sniffles once)...sorry. Beyond this competition, um, I strongly believe that your music can change the world. (Paula: I do too.) I do. I do (Steve: Thank you, Nicole.) and I want to thank you. I appreciate you so much for the musician that you are; that was breathtaking. Thank you. (Paula: America ...don't forget to vote.) (Steve: Thank you, Nicole.) (Josh: I just want to say one thing. I've been meaning to say this. I want to thank the audience and the people back home who support me. Without you guys, like my daughter (pointing to Rowan), you inspire me. You inspire me to be here. Thank you.

I had predicted Chris Rene and Astro would both go home but as it turned out, I was completely wrong. I felt that Lakoda Rayne and LeRoy Bell would make it through to next week but as it turned out that their both of their luck ran out this week. Having said that, my guess is that those two and Marcus Canty will be in the bottom three next week unless they have spectacular performances. It certainly feels like this competition is really down to Rachel Crow, Melanie Amaro, Josh Krajcik, and Drew Ryniewicz. We shall see.

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